通知 & 披露的信息

电子游戏软件致力于以所有人都可以访问的方式提供信息. 如果您需要打印本网页上的材料,请联系 学生服务办公室.

Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA)

访问 the link below to learn more about the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA).

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

学生服务执行主任和学生事务副校长负责每年通知学生他们在FERPA下的权利. The annual notice is to appear in the 电子游戏软件公报 在 波士顿大学学生指南.



电子游戏软件在其教育项目的管理中保留了大量关于学生的记录, 以及它的住房, 体育运动, 还有课外活动. 大学还维护就业和财务记录供自己使用,并遵守州和联邦法规. 电子游戏软件致力于保护学生的隐私利益,并根据1974年的《电子游戏软件》(FERPA)维护学生记录的机密性。.


  • 有权在学校收到访问请求之日起45天内检查和审查学生的教育记录.

    任何学生如希望查阅和审阅由大学任何办公室保存的教育记录中的信息,可以, 有适当的身份证明, request access to the record from the office responsible for maintaining that record. 除非情况需要有正式的请求,口头请求可以得到尊重.

    Whenever an office responsible for maintaining education records is unable to respond, the student may submit to the 学生服务办公室, 迪安, 学术部部长, 或其他有关官员的书面请求,以确定他或她希望检查的记录. 学校官员应在收到请求后45天内提供访问, and shall notify the student of the time and place the record may be inspected. 如果提交请求的大学官员没有保存记录, 该官员将告知该学生该向哪位官员提出请求.

  • 如果学生认为其教育记录中的信息不准确,有权要求修改其教育记录, 误导 or in violation of his or her rights of privacy.

    任何认为其教育记录中所载信息不准确的学生, 误导, 或侵犯他或她的隐私权是写信给大学负责记录的官员, clearly identifying the part of the record he or she wants changed, and specifying why the record should be amended.

    If the University concludes that the record should not be amended as requested, the University will notify the student, 告知学生他或她有权参加听证会,并提供有关听证会过程的信息.

  • 有权同意披露包含在学生教育记录中的个人身份信息, except to the extent permitted under FERPA. 允许在未经同意的情况下披露的一个例外是向具有合法教育利益的大学官员披露, which may include employees in administrative, 监督, 学术或电子游戏正规平台, or support staff position (包括 law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); members of the Board of Trustees; and students serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committees, or assisting another University officials in performing their tasks. University officials may also be contractors, 咨询顾问, 义工或其他校外人士,由大学外判通常由大学雇员提供的机构服务或职能. 只要披露的目的与学生的电子游戏软件或转学有关,大学可以在未经其他教育机构官员同意的情况下披露教育记录,这些机构已经要求学生提供记录,并且学生正在寻求或打算注册或已经注册.

  • The right to file a complaint with the U.S. 就大学涉嫌未能遵守FERPA的要求向教育部投诉. Written complaints may be directed to the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C., 20202-4605.

Please note that as part of the Solomon Amendment, 法律要求电子游戏软件向军队分支机构提供某些学生目录信息,而这些信息在《电子游戏软件》(FERPA)下通常是被拒绝的。.

Student Loan Code of Conduct for Employees

所有电子游戏软件的员工,其工作职责包括与学生经济援助有关的事项,都应保持模范的职业行为标准,并必须遵守本行为准则,符合联邦法规. 学生服务执行主任应每年通知这些员工他们在本准则下的义务.


  • Prohibits all revenue-sharing arrangements with lenders. 大学将不会推广或推荐任何贷款人以换取费用或其他物质利益.
  • 不要求或接受私人贷款提供的资金,包括机会池贷款.
  • Certifies loans from any lender selected by a borrower without undue delay, and will not direct a first-time borrower’s loan to a particular lender.
  • 确保学生签署主本票的过程保留了学生选择其选择的贷方的权利.
  • 不安排对未参加该计划或未接受该贷款条款的学生或家长不利的替代贷款计划.
  • Prohibits the request or acceptance of staffing assistance from lenders.
  • Prohibits employees or agents of a lender from identifying themselves, 直接的或暗示的, as an employee of 电子游戏软件 to students, parents or any persons seeking information from 电子游戏软件.
  • 根据选择贷款人的首选贷款人名单,仅在学生和家长的最佳利益.
  • Fully discloses the selection process for a preferred lender.
  • 向借款人提供有关首选贷方列表上贷方提供的贷款产品的消费者信息, 包括 any agreements lenders have to sell their loans to other entities.
  • 通知学生和家长,他们不需要使用首选贷款机构名单上的任何贷款机构,可以选择他们选择的任何贷款机构.

每一个电子游戏软件的员工参与贷款过程的任何方面(这包括, 但不限于, 财政援助人员, both on the main campus and at the Law School, (招生管理人员)必须避免任何可能在员工的个人或外部利益与他或她作为电子游戏软件员工的角色和责任之间产生潜在利益冲突的情况, and must disclose to his or her supervisor any potential conflict as it arises.

Specifically, staff members must not:

  • 索取或接受来自任何涉及学生经济援助任何方面的商业实体的超过最低价值的礼物, 包括, 但不限于, 现金支付, 股票, 俱乐部会员, 支持, 折扣, 住宿, 餐, 娱乐, 和服务. This prohibition extends to a staff member’s family (includes staff member's and spouse's: parent or stepparent; sibling or step-sibling; child or stepchild; and grandchild or step-grandchild, as well as a child's spouse and a sibling's spouse).
  • 从事任何活动, 无论是否得到补偿, 有可能与电子游戏软件雇用的财务援助专业人员的职责产生利益冲突的工作人员, 包括接受任何费用, 付款, or other financial benefit as compensation for any type of employment, consulting or other arrangement with a lender, 担保人, 或服务机构.
  • Receive any compensation for serving on an advisory board, 委员会, 或由出借人成立的集团, 担保人, 或者是一组贷款人或担保人. 希望在咨询委员会任职的工作人员必须事先征得其主管的同意, 并且只有在获得批准的顾问委员会任职期间的合理费用才能得到报销.

工作人员 members should understand and adhere to all institutional policies and any 当地的, state and federal requirements that are applicable to their conduct or job performance. 任何工作人员如果对某一特定情况或活动是否造成利益冲突或违反任何法律或政策有疑问,应在开始这种活动之前立即通知其主管, or at the earliest time when such a question arises. 监事应在收到任何询问后与总法律顾问办公室联系.


Certain personally identifiable information from a student’s education record, designated by 电子游戏软件 as directory information, may be released without the student’s prior consent. This information includes name; term, 首页, 当地的, and electronic mail addresses; telephone listing; date and place of birth; photograph; major field of study; enrollment status; grade level; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height of members of athletic teams; dates of attendance; school/college of enrollment; anticipated date of graduation; degrees and awards received; the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended; and other similar information.

学生可以阻止发布所有目录信息,包括注册验证, 并且可以对电子游戏软件社区或一般公众屏蔽选定的目录信息. In order to do this, students must visit fvo0.xsdvoip.com/myservices to suppress the release of all or selected directory information. Suppression is available by selecting Privacy Preferences. 教师和工作人员在进行正式的大学业务时,不会屏蔽学生目录信息.

所有非目录信息都被视为机密,除非在FERPA的例外情况下允许披露,否则在没有学生明确书面同意的情况下,不会向外部查询发布. For more information, access 电子游戏软件's 学生学习记录 政策.


When a student reaches the age of 18, or attends a postsecondary institution regardless of age, FERPA rights transfer to the student. Guidelines for the disclosure of information to parents are as follows:

  • 父母 may obtain directory information at the discretion of the institution.
  • 父母 may obtain nondirectory information (e.g., 成绩, GPA),在确定学生在法律上依赖父母一方后,由学校自行决定.
  • 家长也可以获得非目录信息,如果他们有学生签署的同意.


访问 the link below to view the 不歧视通知书.

University Communication 政策 and Student Responsibilities

Official communications of the University with its currently enrolled students, 包括学术和行政事务通知以及教职员工和行政人员的通信, 可以邮寄吗, 校园邮件, 或电子邮件. To assure that these communications arrive in a timely manner, all enrolled students have the following responsibilities:


For purposes of written communication, 学生在学生服务处记录的本地和永久地址将被视为学生的正式本地和永久住所. 所有学生都有责任提供本地和永久的邮寄地址, 并在 fvo0.xsdvoip.com/myservices if the addresses are not accurate in University records. 学生应在每学期开始时检查其地址记录的准确性, and again soon after submitting any corrections.



大学承认并使用电子邮件作为官方通讯的适当媒介. The University provides all enrolled students with 电子游戏软件 email addresses, 以及访问电子邮件服务从计算机站在校园的各个位置. All students are expected to access their email accounts regularly, to check for official University communications, and to respond as necessary to such communications.

所有学生对大学官方电子邮件通信的回复必须在“发件人:”和“回复:”行中包含学生的电子游戏软件电子邮件地址, and should originate from the student’s 电子游戏软件 email address, 以确保回应可被视为来自大学社群成员的讯息.

学生可以将他们的电子邮件信息从电子游戏软件的电子邮件地址转发到非大学的电子邮件系统, 如果他们愿意. 在这种情况下, 然而, 学生应全权负责此类转发安排所产生的一切后果, 包括任何非大学系统未能提供或保留大学官方通讯的情况. 学生应该定期从他们的大学电子邮件帐户发送考试信息, to confirm that their email service is functioning reliably.


电子游戏软件认为,每个学生都有责任成为一名积极参与的社区成员. 为此目的, 我们与TurboVote合作,为您提供从地方选举到总统选举中投票所需的信息和材料.

TurboVote gives you the tools to help you register to vote online. You may learn more about this service at bc.turbovote.org.

For questions or concerns, please contact 电子游戏软件 Student Affairs at bcsa@xsdvoip.com.